Sword of the Alhambra

Sword of the Alhambra

Monday, October 13, 2014

Here is another review- I did not write this....honestly!!

Scarred by a tragic past, Ibrahim Al-Rahim is a historic hero torn by the age-old issue of duty vs. honor. His inner conflict intensifies when he meets Santiago de Aviles, a man of morals and decency thought to be nonexistent among the enemy. Is it too late for Ibrahim to turn the tides of religious hatred and unite a divided world? Packed with bits of history, action and wit, Anthony presents timeless themes with a freshness and sincerity that will keep you turning pages late into the night.

Trained in the art of killing, Ibrahim is sure of his calling to protect the Maker's earthly paradise from "The Infidel" until he meets Santiago de Aviles, a man of morals, honor and decency thought to be nonexistent among the enemy. Can Ibrahim defeat his own prejudices and change the tides of history that are destroying his beloved world? Chock full of action and complex, appealing characters, this novel is sure to warm your heart and reach down into your very soul.

A review of the book!!

A master storyteller, Anthony skillfully weaves an intricate tale of passion and hatred, condemnation and redemption, set in the sensuous world of Moorish Spain.

Anthony's debut novel sweeps you into a world rife with religious fanaticism and hatred. Will one man's honesty be enough to change the tides of history? Packed with bits of history, action and wit, the author presents timeless themes with a freshness and sincerity that will keep you turning pages late into the night.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ibrahim Al Rahim-

The protagonist of the story, was raised by a Muslim father and a Coptic Christian mother.  He was the only member of his family to survive the destruction of Jerusalem by the crusader armies.  Though tasked with the defense of the Islamic Kingdom of Granada, he abhors religious fanaticism, and respects all faiths.

The conflict continues.

A theme of the story is the conflict between Christendom and Islam.  It is stunning that this battle still rages today, centuries later, with no resolution possible.  Even if most  modern day fighting is driven by secular issues, the tension began centuries ago and is rooted in religious fanaticism.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Flamenco

As we watched the Flamenco in Sevilla, and I listened to the rising and falling undulations of the singer, it occurred to me that the cadence resembled the moslem daily call to prayer. I thought, what if the Flamenco had its origin in a Christian protest against their Islamic overlords?  After all, the Moors held Sevilla, Corduba, and Granada for 700 years!
After much research, I discovered that no one really knows how the Flamenco came to be. Some historians credit its invention to the Romani (Roma) people, but no one knows for certain.  So why not! I thought, lets go with my theory!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Arabic influence in Spain.

In the modern Spanish language, many words have Arabic roots. This is a testament to the 700 years Arab speaking cultures ruled the Iberian Peninsula. It is ironic that the Arab language was outlawed after the "re-conquista," but its influence remains.

Alhambra- The red one.
Ojala- Hopefully or "god wills it."
And many others!

The story-

A story of redemption and the origin of  Flamenco set in Moor held southern Spain.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

In print!

5 years, 10 revisions and 100 rejections later!
Soon to be released on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Ingram and other sites.